Each week in our class homework we read a myth and do an activity on it. There are 15 activities to choose from. I have read four myths and done four activities. It is quite a lot of fun. My favourite activity was to rewrite the ending of a story. I was quite good at that. I will be doing my fifth myth next week.My favourite myth that I read was The man eating lion. Our teacher has got lots of myths that we can read. Some of the myths that I read are so well described that it feels like I am in the book. I have got a whole book of greek myths so there are a lot of names that I can not even pronounce but luckily when I can't pronounce a name I can flip to the back of the book and there are all of the names in the book and they write the sounds so you can work out the names as you are going a long. Like the name Heracles, I couldn't pronounce the word so I flipped to the back of the book and sounded it out and I flipped back and kept reading.
Here is some of my work.
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