Thursday, September 11, 2008

Edward Tulane- my thoughts

My favourite part of this story was when Maggie (Abilene's daughter) went into the doll shop and found Edward on a shelf and started hugging Edward. This was a very happy ending because Maggie was the daughter of Abilene and Abilene was Edward's original owner.

During this story Edward experienced many feelings for the first time in his life. When he found someone that loved him, he would feel happy and when he lost someone he would feel very sad. I have experienced many feelings like Edward. I feel very sad when I lose someone but you just have got to open your heart for someone else. 
Edward was very brave and he never gave up hope. He always looked on the bright side of life. I think that is the perfect thing to do when you have lost someone.

1 comment:

alexandrab said...

Hi Laura, I really enjoyed reading your thoughts about Edward Tulane. I'm glad you liked the book. It is a very thought provoking book.
Jo x