Does mould grow faster on different types of food?.
I think that some foods will grow mould faster than other foods because mould needs moisture to grow on.
2 slices of bread spinach
3 strawberries spoon
yoghurt knife
beans clear food wrap
My results
All of the foods that I used grew mould except the toast because it had no moisture. The strawberries grew the most mould and it grew mould the fastest.
My hypothesis was correct because I said that some foods would grow mould faster and that was just what happend.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Science fair
Over the last few weeks our class has been doing our science fair. I am doing mine on mould. My hypothesis was correct. I said that mould would grow faster on different types of food. I have been growing mould on
bread,toast,strawberries,yoghurt,baked beans and spinach. I did it for a week and my strawberries grew mould on it the quickest and they turned out to be very disgusting. I had a great time doing it and I took pictures for my results.
bread,toast,strawberries,yoghurt,baked beans and spinach. I did it for a week and my strawberries grew mould on it the quickest and they turned out to be very disgusting. I had a great time doing it and I took pictures for my results.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Myths and Legends
Over the last few weeks we have been writing our own myth with a partner in class. Our myth is called 'Why the snake has no arms or legs'. It is about a snake who was always getting bullied, so he went down to the lake and wished there were no bullies. At the lake Snake found crocodile and lizard (bullies) and they said, "Meet us down at the lake tomorrow". Snake went to bed and had all these nightmares about the fight. When Snake woke up he was feeling very scared but at the same time brave. Snake went down to the river and saw crocodile and lizard. They said, "Are you ready to rumble?". They were going around in circles and then crocodile lunged and bit snakes arms and legs off. Now that's why snakes have no arms or legs today.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Edward Tulane- my thoughts
My favourite part of this story was when Maggie (Abilene's daughter) went into the doll shop and found Edward on a shelf and started hugging Edward. This was a very happy ending because Maggie was the daughter of Abilene and Abilene was Edward's original owner.
During this story Edward experienced many feelings for the first time in his life. When he found someone that loved him, he would feel happy and when he lost someone he would feel very sad. I have experienced many feelings like Edward. I feel very sad when I lose someone but you just have got to open your heart for someone else.
Edward was very brave and he never gave up hope. He always looked on the bright side of life. I think that is the perfect thing to do when you have lost someone.
Friday, September 5, 2008
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Each week in our class homework we read a myth and do an activity on it. There are 15 activities to choose from. I have read four myths and done four activities. It is quite a lot of fun. My favourite activity was to rewrite the ending of a story. I was quite good at that. I will be doing my fifth myth next week.My favourite myth that I read was The man eating lion. Our teacher has got lots of myths that we can read. Some of the myths that I read are so well described that it feels like I am in the book. I have got a whole book of greek myths so there are a lot of names that I can not even pronounce but luckily when I can't pronounce a name I can flip to the back of the book and there are all of the names in the book and they write the sounds so you can work out the names as you are going a long. Like the name Heracles, I couldn't pronounce the word so I flipped to the back of the book and sounded it out and I flipped back and kept reading.
Here is some of my work.
Here is some of my work.

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