In class we have been learning about Limericks. A Limerick poem is a poem that has five lines it has a type of rhythm. It also has to have a rhyming word at the end of every line, two rhyming words in the first two lines and the third and fourth lines have to have a different rhyming word at the end and the last line has to rhyme with the first and second. Here is a Limerick poem that I wrote.
There once was a girl named Polly.
Who bought a very big dolly.
She sat it on her shelf,
Next to the elf.
And now she's very jolly.
1 comment:
Said a Chinaman, "Gosh and golly!
I like you limelicks, Polly.
Mine don't get fa
Without the 'r'
I'm really velly solly!"
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